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Give to Hope House


You can be the hope for men who have been incarcerated.


Over 4,600 inmates were released into communities throughout Western Washington. Create a safe and stable home for up to six men who need stability and support as they build a productive lifestyle. Renovations are underway. Give now to get the house ready for its first residents!

Voices of Hope

The transitional house I went to after leaving prison was run by Adventists. It was a safe place for me where I could make positive changes in my life.

Asa, APM Graduate

God used Adventist volunteers in prison to explain the love of my Creator God to me. God took my heart of stone and replaced it with a heart of flesh. I became born again.

Steve, APM Gradute

As an Adventist Prison Ministry (APM) volunteer, I encounter about 1,000 men each year. They attend our programs and I watch the miracles God works in their lives. But when they get out, there is no Adventist facility for them to go to and we lose the connection. This is where HOPE House can fill an important gap.

Charlie, APM Volunteer