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Living Generously, Sharing Faithfully

Answers to Prayer

Answers to prayer show us how God worked in the past to give us encouragement for the present and the future.


The featured answers to prayer stories come from Adventists who live right here in western Washington. This is a a collection of true personal stories in which the contributors recount the incredible miracles that have happened to them.

These stories are about instances of answered prayers, divine intervention, faith, and divine appointments. The authors trust that you will find great strength in reading their miraculous stories of how God blesses despite the circumstances we are in.



The Flight of Faith
by Zuzana Rachel


“You have 15 minutes to catch the plane,” the airline representative said. “Run!”


There was no time to call her sister, who was picking her up the next day in Prague, about this change.


In the morning, my mom’s sister woke up to the news that a Swissair DC-10 jet had crashed about two hours after takeoff from New York. It was her sister’s plane.



A Powerful Coincidence
by Delene Janke


Winter was coming and I knew that our electricity regularly disappears. You have to learn to survive without water and power for a week at a time. I was concerned. And I prayed a big prayer.


Bill the Disappearing Cat
by Donna Mozzone


When my daughter and I lived in Renton, we had a pet cat named Bill (Bill was a girl). She was such a loving and gentle cat and we loved her very much. Bill loved car rides, and disappeared one day.


Tie Your Boot Laces
by Rachel Brand*


Only 24 hours before, we had a normal life. We were heading out for a November hike to shoot pictures of fall colors and breathe some fresh air! During a quick stop at an outdoor store, my husband’s cell phone rang. Our house was on fire.


A God-Given New Life
by Jeni West


I praise Jesus daily for this amazing change in my life, a change in how I feel everyday always looking forward to Jesus leading the way. I have had some setbacks, but I don't feel defeated and haven't given up. By the grace of God I have been given a new life and am working to better my situation. This time I KNOW who is in control.



A 30 Year Prayer
by Belen Trost


I am married to a man who believes in God but does not go to church nor want to talk anything that has to do with God. I prayed for Chuck for over 30 years and asked our congregation and ask any pastor who heads our church to pray for him. And then he had stomach surgery days before my church's Bible prophecy seminar. I didn't know what to do. But God did.



A Divine Reconnection
by Tyler Long


A divine appointment is an event that may first appear to be random, but is soon recognized as having been caused by God.  This past week, I had such an experience with a new friend who used to go to a local Adventist church 20 years ago.


Just Run the Numbers
by Robert Aaron

This one month I had a little chat with the Lord. "Lord, I know the tithe is Yours and I will return that this month. However, my offering to the local church and school budgets is going to have to wait. I just don't see how I'm going to have it with the amount of money there is available." I was amazed at what happened next.