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Living Generously, Sharing Faithfully

Education Endowment


Education Endowment

You want your children and grandchildren educated for this life…and for eternity.

One of the ways you can help make an Adventist Christian Education accessible to more students is to contribute to the Education Endowment.

Constituents in this conference years ago saw education and scholarship funding as a long-term need, and in 1998 established the Education Endowment. With the sale of some land and a few individual investments, the Education Endowment is currently $1.5 million. The interest helps provide matching scholarships to students who need extra funding to receive an Adventist Christian Education. In addition, the endowment also helps fund growing school constituencies and provides funding for improving science and technology equipment.

Not only does your gift to the Education Endowment help students now, it helps generate funding for future generations of Adventist scholars.


Talk with your local church treasurer to contribute to the Education Endowment!