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Living Generously, Sharing Faithfully

Personal Ministries

Personal Ministries inspires and trains lay members to witness and win souls for the Kingdom of God. According to the New Testament, all Christian disciples are called and empowered by the Holy Spirit to share the gospel via preaching, teaching, witnessing, lifestyle and personal influence.

Examples of existing ministries include: visiting prisons, hosting a community car show, hosting a "Biggest Loser" program and offering personal Bible studies. The possibilities are only limited by the interests and needs in your community and your willingness to follow God.

Signs Newsbox Ministry

Washington Conference partners with Pacific Press to offer Signs news boxes throughout our communities. In addition to issues of the monthly Signs Magazine and other approved literature, these 24/7 sentinels represent a unique literature distribution system to provide relevant lifestyle literature for the community. The Signs Fellowship comprised of Signs newsbox coordinators meets three times a year to encourage and coordinate this ministry

Leadership Training

Whenever possible, the Personal Ministries department partners with other NPUC Conferences and the North American Division in supporting key lay leaders to attend specialized training events such as the NAD Festival of the Laity in person or online. We also host the annual Outreach Opportunities Networking Conference held on the first Sunday in March. This event features an unparalleled array of traditional and emerging ministry ideas that are bearing fruit within Washington Conference.


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